Our Rabbits


Each of these Lionheads are offspring from our breeding stock and are an example of the beautiful colors and coats that we have at Spokane Rabbitry. Photo credit: Amanda Thiessen 

Harlequin Lionhead
Black Lionhead

Vienna Marked Harlequin Lionhead
Magpie Lionhead

Blue Eyed White Lionhead

Holland Lops

Each of these Holland Lops are offspring from our breeding stock and are an example of the beautiful colors and coats that we have in at Spokane Rabbitry. Photo credit: Amanda Thiessen 

Vienna Marked Black Holland Lop

Orange Holland Lop

Magpie Holland Lop

Frosty Holland Lop

Blue Tart Holland Lop

Fawn Holland Lop

Broken Orange Holland Lop

Blue Tart Holland

Black Tart Holland

Black Sable Marten Holland Lop

Black Holland Lop

Vienna Marked Blue Tart Holland Lop